




  • 數(shù)顯全洛氏硬度計
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  • 4XC型金相顯微鏡(帶電腦及金相分析系統(tǒng))
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  • 安裝調(diào)試HV-1000ACCT圖像處理系統(tǒng)
  • 4XCCCT金相圖像處理顯微鏡案例
  • MRG-480型研究級金相顯微鏡圖像處理系統(tǒng)
  • MRG-480型金相顯微鏡案例
  • 系列硬度計安裝調(diào)試
  • HVG-30型高端數(shù)顯維氏硬度計安裝實例
  • 320HBS-3000型數(shù)顯布氏硬度計安裝實例
  • HBS-3000型數(shù)顯布氏硬度計安裝實例
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  • 5公斤小負荷維氏硬度計(帶電腦圖像分析系
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  • 220HBS-3000CCD型圖像處理數(shù)顯布氏硬度
  • 220HBS-3000型數(shù)顯布氏硬度計安裝實例
  • 200HVS-10型小符合維氏硬度計圖像處理系
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  • MRG-480型高品質(zhì)三目倒置金相顯微鏡圖像
  • HV-1000ASCCT顯微圖像處理系統(tǒng)案例
  • HV-1000ASCCT顯微圖像處理系統(tǒng)案例
  • HV-1000ACCT圖像處理顯微硬度計安裝案例
  • P-2G型金相拋光機
  • 聯(lián)系我們








    當前位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 新聞資訊 > 行業(yè)信息

    • 硬度計在熱處理行業(yè)應(yīng)用
    • 本站編輯:萊州市試驗機金剛石工具廠發(fā)布日期:2019-09-06 16:23 瀏覽次數(shù):

    熱處理是提高和保證機械產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量及可靠性、提高制造業(yè)市場競爭力的重要基礎(chǔ)之一,其行業(yè)水平的高低對制造業(yè)發(fā)展起著舉足輕重的作用。目前,我國的熱處理行業(yè)除了少數(shù)廠家外,總體水平遠不能適應(yīng)加入WTO后熱處理行業(yè)面臨的更激烈的市場競爭環(huán)境。在這其中,我國的熱處理檢測設(shè)備更為落后。嚴重的限制和阻礙了工藝技術(shù)的發(fā)展和造成產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的不穩(wěn)定,更重要的是不能有效的防止產(chǎn)品出現(xiàn)不必要的質(zhì)量事故。下面我就機械零件、工模具熱處理后最常用的硬度測試來舉例。 硬度是衡量金屬材料軟硬的一個指標,硬度值實際上不是一個單位的物理量,它是表征著材料的彈性、塑性、形變、強化率、強度和韌性等一系列不同物理量組合的一種綜合性能指標,一般可以認為硬度是指金屬表面上不大體積內(nèi)抵抗變形破裂的能力。采用便攜式里氏硬度計進行硬度檢測的實用價值在于不必破壞工件并可成批檢驗零件,已成為產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量檢查、制定合理工藝和分析產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的重要實驗方法之一。 結(jié)構(gòu)件及模具檢測實際使用情況 用里氏硬度計測試硬度來分析、驗證大型齒軸、內(nèi)齒圈預(yù)處理工藝及滲碳淬火工藝的方法 1、預(yù)處理工藝后測試 這道工藝操作后的質(zhì)量直接影響滲碳工藝操作后齒軸、內(nèi)齒圈滲碳層硬度分布的均勻性、齒部的變形量。更重要的是芯部的強度(未滲層)。當用里氏硬度計測試齒軸的齒部及柄部、內(nèi)齒圈的外圓內(nèi)徑及端面,如果發(fā)現(xiàn)測試的同一區(qū)域硬度最高和最低的相差較大,在審查儀表爐溫、裝爐方式、工藝冷卻方式都正常的前提條件下,就可根據(jù)硬度值高低差值及分布的狀況,推斷出工件內(nèi)組織存在著偏析或帶狀組織。如金相圖片顯示的帶狀偏析因為用硬度法測試的實況是測試點在黑色的珠光體帶硬度偏高,在白色鐵素體帶硬度偏低。這種組織缺陷在隨后的滲碳淬火工藝操作中是不可能消除,而是被保留下來。一旦大型齒軸、內(nèi)齒圈存在這種組織缺陷,在裝機使用時不僅會造成使用壽命短的問題,而且常造成重大設(shè)備事故。當我們通過測試硬度法可推斷出鍛件中有這種帶狀偏析后,立即采用固溶處理工藝操作或其他消除帶狀偏析的工藝即可消除缺陷,從而防止設(shè)備事故的發(fā)生、減少損失。 2、滲碳工藝后測試 這道工藝氏齒軸與內(nèi)齒圈的最終熱處理工藝,通常檢驗人員只對試樣測試HRC硬度然后再切開試樣做金相分析:滲層馬氏體級別、碳化物級別、形態(tài)分布、殘余奧氏體量形態(tài)、心部馬氏體級別,再用顯微硬度計測試滲層從表層至HV550硬度為深層深度以上操作作為終檢。但從現(xiàn)場發(fā)生齒軸早期失效斷軸,齒部嚴重磨損的事故分析中發(fā)現(xiàn),實物的硬度低于試樣的硬度,尤其常常出現(xiàn)在深層滲碳時,原因是實物齒軸、內(nèi)齒圈與試樣不是同塊料上截取下來的,也不是同一爐所做的預(yù)處理。這樣在實物與試樣滲前原始組織不同,滲后的組織與硬度有一定差異,更主要的是在整個滲碳工藝操作中,由于工件的擺放及滲碳表面積巨大的差異(化學熱處理吸收過程的相界面反應(yīng)及主要因素中有一條滲入介質(zhì)各組分的濃度與工件表面狀態(tài)、表面形狀、表面積大小及表面能量對化學熱處理過程有極其重要的影響)把里氏硬度計測試出的硬度與試樣上洛氏硬度計及顯微硬度計測試出的硬度相比較、加之對試樣滲層的金相組織分析結(jié)合起來,就可較快而準確的找出產(chǎn)生質(zhì)量問題的原因。加之作必要的工藝調(diào)整,可在工件組裝前就把事故隱患消除。 用里氏硬度計測試硬度來分析、驗證中大型復(fù)雜結(jié)構(gòu)模具工藝 這是一支用馬氏體不銹鋼所制作的飼料模具,主要用于生產(chǎn)飼料。模具上有10000~27000個孔,每小時有10噸的混合飼料粉狀物從??讌^(qū)擠出成為顆粒狀。所以環(huán)模質(zhì)量與使用壽命的關(guān)鍵控制點是環(huán)模上模孔區(qū)的硬度與滲層。 由于模具尺寸大,而且模孔分布在外圓上,測試點是個曲面,孔與孔之間的間距一般有3~4mm,在這種條件下正好發(fā)揮了里氏硬度計的多樣適用性與小巧攜帶方便的特點,能夠準確的測試出模孔處實際硬度。根據(jù)實測的硬度以及對試塊所作的金相分析,可更合理的修正和制定工藝,充分發(fā)揮材料潛力,提高使用壽命。如環(huán)模一小時出10噸飼料,當延長10小時使用壽命就可出100噸飼料,會給企業(yè)帶來巨大的經(jīng)濟效益。 工模具失效分析中里氏硬度計的作用 材質(zhì)5CrMnMo大型熱鍛模具在使用中常因為型腔早期磨損、塌陷而失效。 當用里氏硬度計對磨損區(qū)測試硬度時發(fā)現(xiàn)磨削的硬度值低于未使用前測試的硬度(38~42HRC)在32~34HRC范圍。這就說明在紅熱的毛坯(>10000C)對型腔加熱的第二階段(毛坯在型腔加熱大體可分為四個階段),受熱量大約在80%~85%時,因模腔壁厚散熱慢,某些點區(qū)溫度高達6500C以上。當模具型腔因傳導(dǎo)受熱后溫度超過模具回火溫度,模具在工作過程中是處在繼續(xù)回火過程階段,將繼續(xù)發(fā)生組織與性能的變化,就造成了磨損區(qū)硬度值的降低而發(fā)生熱磨損,就表明5CrMnMo這種熱作模具鋼不適宜做大型模具。當選用600~6500C溫區(qū)內(nèi)服役的熱作模具如3Cr2W8V,3Cr3Mo3VNb這類熱穩(wěn)定性、熱強性、屈服強度的熱作模具鋼比采用5CrMnMo更適宜。 在中國這個工業(yè)化進程還遠沒有完成的情況下,迫切需要努力縮短與國際先進制造水平的差距,作為企業(yè)必須從戰(zhàn)略高度上來認識到熱處理行業(yè),不僅從設(shè)備、工藝,尤其是檢測設(shè)備急需要不斷吸取國內(nèi)外新技術(shù),更要看在熱處理企業(yè)中實際生產(chǎn)應(yīng)用的情況。這才是一個非常明智的舉措,因為在加入WTO后按世貿(mào)規(guī)則有五年過渡期,對我國制造業(yè)而言,這是一個非常關(guān)鍵的時期,之所以說是關(guān)鍵是因為過渡期后我國制造業(yè)企業(yè)基本上將處于國外大公司同等競爭地位,而且在這過渡期中,我們尚可充分準備提升競爭力,所以這是對企業(yè)非常緊迫的要求。

    point is higher in the black pearlite band and lower in the white ferrite band. It is impossible to eliminate these defects in subsequent carburizing and quenching operations, but they are retained. Once the large gear shaft and inner ring have such defects, it will not only cause short service life, but also cause major equipment accidents when installed. When we can deduce that there is such band segregation in forgings by testing hardness method, the defects can be eliminated immediately by using solid solution treatment or other processes to eliminate band segregation, thus preventing the occurrence of equipment accidents and reducing losses. 2. Testing the final heat treatment process of the process's axle and inner ring after carburizing. Usually, inspectors only test the HRC hardness of the sample and then cut the sample for metallographic analysis: martensite grade of the carbide layer, carbide grade, morphology distribution, retained austenite amount form, martensite grade of the core, and then use microhardness tester. Testing the hardness of the penetrating layer from the surface to HV550 is above the depth of the deep layer for final inspection. However, it is found from the accident analysis of early failure and fracture of the gear shaft and serious wear of the tooth that the hardness of the material is lower than that of the sample, especially in deep carburizing. The reason is that the material gear shaft, inner gear ring and the sample are not intercepted from the same material or pretreated by the same furnace. In this way, the original structure is different from the sample before carburizing, and the structure and hardness after carburizing are different. More importantly, in the whole carburizing process operation, due to the great difference in the placement of the workpiece and the surface area of carburizing (the phase interface reaction in the absorption process of chemical heat treatment and the concentration of each component of the infiltrating medium are the main factors). Comparing the hardness measured by Richter hardness tester with that measured by Rockwell hardness tester and microhardness tester on the specimen and combining the metallographic structure analysis of the sample's infiltration layer, it is faster to combine the hardness measured by Richter hardness tester with that measured by Rockwell hardness tester and microhardness tester. And accurately find out the causes of quality problems. Additionally, necessary process adjustment can eliminate the potential accident before the workpiece is assembled. Riesler hardness tester is used to analyze and verify the process of medium and large complex structure die. This is a feed die made of martensitic stainless steel, which is mainly used to produce feed. There are 10,000 to 27,000 holes in the die, and 10 tons of mixed feed powder are extruded into granules from the die hole area every hour. Therefore, the key control points of the quality and service life of the ring die are the hardness and penetration layer of the die hole area on the ring die. Because of the large size of the die and the distribution of the die holes on the outer circle, the test point is a curved surface, and the distance between the holes and holes is generally 3-4 mm. Under this condition, the Richter hardness tester can accurately test the actual hardness at the die hole. According to the measured hardness and metallographic analysis of the test block, the process can be more rationally revised and formulated, the material potential can be brought into full play, and the service life can be increased. If the annular die produces 10 tons of feed in an hour, 100 tons of feed can be produced when the service life of the annular die is prolonged by 10 hours, which will bring enormous economic benefits to the enterprise. Functional Material of Riesler Hardness Meter in Failure Analysis of Tools and Dies 5CrMnMo Large Hot Forging Die is often lost in use due to early wear and collapse of the cavity
